A momentous victory
The Liberation of Vienna by Jan Sobieski
The Turkish troops outnumbered the Europeans about ten to one, and the Ottomans had gained hold of the city for over two months. But the Turks under grand vizier Karan Mustafa Pasha were not going to give up easily; taking over Vienna with its Danubian trade routes was key for the Ottoman Empire. However, Vienna allied with Polandand Venice, so Pope Innocent XI (pictured in the left disc of the frame) and King Jan Sobieski III led the largest cavalry charge of all times against the Turks.. For the first time, the Holy Roman Empire and Poland joined their forces to defeat the common enemy on September 12, 1683. The Polish artist Jan Matejko immortalized the victory of Sobieski, and his massive artwork was gifted to Pope Leo XIII for the bicentenary of the event.
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