Homer’s descendants
PART B. Daskalopetra
The Homerides were rhapsodists from Chios who had the privilege of the exclusive citation of the Homeric epics, as they supported that they were the poet’s descendants. In the 5th c. B.C Acusilaos of Argos, one of the first Greek mythographers and logographers, mentions the Homerides as Homer’s descendants. Pindar, Plato and Isocrates also deem them as rhapsodists. In 1520 the French monk and traveler André Thevet mentioned that “the people of Chios brag and take pride in the fact that [Homer] came from their island, because the ancient relied on the fact that there existed a clan called Homerides, fine reciters who would create clever and beautiful verses”. Adamantios Korais considered it highly unlikely that they would literally draw their descent from Homer; still, he suggested that the Homerides rightly believed that they carried on the poet’s tradition, as they preserved and propagated his work after his death.
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