Villa Homerica
PART B. Daskalopetra
At a close distance from Daskalopetra was located the luxurious villa Homerica belonging to the Italian Andriolo Banca Giustiniani, whose family, one of the most powerful in Genoa, dominated Chios for more than 2 centuries (1346-1566). Researchers suggest that he named it Homerica because he was influenced by the region’s history. Italian traveler Cyriacus of Ancona described the villa in great admiration, when Giustiniani invited him to the island. At the same mansion, Andriolo Giustiniani’s son, Angelo, welcomed Christopher Columbus in 1474. The Italian explorer navigator visited the island in search of skilled sailors and sailing maps, for the journey that would lead him to discover America.
Tip: During your visit at Pyrgi, don’t forget to see the house where, according to tradition, Columbus stayed during his sojourn on the island. The surname Kolombos is popular in Pyrgi – yet another piece of evidence, as many believe, for a connection between the explorer and Chios.
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Searching for Homer