Playing in the street
The stadium
Due to the household financial distress, playing in the street was a very popular and common practice. Children played on the streets, games that required a certain facility and to get the hits, using beads, small stones, nuts, coins, knuckles, as well as mental agility games having at their disposal small stones, nuts, almonds, pine cones, beans or other nuts). All the toys were similar or even identical to the ones of Antiquity. Other group games were extremely popular. According to oral testimonies, cited that “kids were gathered by the rocks, carving the rock using knives in order to draw chapels. We also played hide and seek, chase, thieves against policemen, football and a game like “leapfrog’’, played by a number of kids who bend down and another kid, one at a time, jumps over them”... "so sweet memories and just one complaint, that the head janitor did not let us step on the grass and pluck the flowers". "There were many games for all ages, like blind man’s bluff, hopscotch, the bee, bee, bumblebee, ring-a-ring-a-roses, and the so-called biz a game where the unlucky kid of the group turned his back and tried to guess who gave him a smack. Sometimes until he guessed right, he ended up dizzy with a red neck''.
As seen on
Marathon dam: Life at the settlement