Stone breaking: a woman’s affair
The Dam
Many women worked occasionally on the dam. Photographs from the Historical Archive of EYDAP depict young Arvanitisses, from the surrounding villages, breaking stone. They began before dawn accompanied by their father or siblings, as they had to cross the earthen road. They went to the quarry, where the cut stones landed through aerial constructions, the cranes. The men crashed the huge stones, using sledgehammers. Then these women and small kids turned them into gravel, using hammers. They wore badges, with an identifying number on each one. They left their shoes in a shady spot and worked barefoot, for fear of spoiling their shoes, since for some women this was their only pair. The poverty and misery forced them to work under hard conditions, for a small daily wage, so that they could assist their family.
As seen on
Marathon dam: Life at the settlement