The building’s history
The De Botton building
The Zenith jewelry store was housed in an impressive and luxurious building in one of the most expensive areas of Thessaloniki, whose urban planning changed radically after the so--called Great fire of 1917. The building, dominated by baroque and neoclassical elements, was commandeered by the German authorities. Located at the intersection of 10, Venizelou Str, and 12, Mitropoleos Str, it had a ground floor, three floors and a basement. It was designed by the architect and civil engineer Jacques Moshe who was born in Thessaloniki in 1900 and studied at the École spéciale des travaux publics, du bâtiment et de l'Industrie in Paris, from where he graduated in 1922. During the boom of the reconstruction of the city, he designed important buildings, such as the Olympion, the so-called Columbus market and the Uziel residential complex.
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Jewish heritage: Past and present