The Museum of the community
The Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki
The Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki, opened in 2001, presents, throughout its collection, the history of the Jewish population of the city from the 1st century AD. until 1950. The Museum is housed in the so-called "Cedid Han", a 1904 commercial building belonging to the Jewish community and fortunately survived from the devastating fire of 1917. It housed the Bank of Athens (1906-1925) and the newspaper L'Independent, published in Thessaloniki from 1909 to 1941. The Museum is organized in four sections: (a) The folklore section, presenting religious objects and heirlooms from its folklore collections. (b) The permanent exhibition ("Simon Marks Exhibition"), narrating the presence of the Jews reaching up to the Holocaust. (c) Tombstones and architectural members from the Jewish cemetery, destroyed during the German Ooccupation, and from synagogues (d) A monument bearing the 30,000 names of identified Holocaust victims.
As seen on
Jewish heritage: Past and present