Zoomorphic askos
Zoomorphic askos
New pottery styles that appeared during the Middle Cypriot period include Drab-Polished Ware, which is almost exclusively localised in the south and southwest part of the island. Drab-Polished vessels, such as this zoomorphic askos, are mainly of closed forms and spouted, and are distinguished by the colour of their clay. The decoration is more restrained than in the Red-Polished Ware, being confined to incised, impressed and stippled motifs, as well as to relief rope ornaments. Of interest in this case is the potters’ attempt to model the various parts of the vase in such a way that the whole renders the figure of an animal or a bird. The plastic appendages on the shoulder and the pierced lobes on the neck –possibly used for hanging or carrying the vessel– are obviously modelled so as to give the impression of anatomical features (e.g. nose, ears).