Stone statuette of a tambourine player
Stone statuette of a tambourine player
Common in Cypriot art of the Archaic period are terracotta and stone figures, male or female, holding or playing a musical instrument – lyre, flute or tambourine. These are found mainly as votive offerings in sanctuaries but also as grave goods in cemeteries. The limestone figurine here is of a female with fillet, necklace and earrings, who beats the tambourine with her right hand. Tambourine-players are particularly popular among representations of musicians, possibly because rhythmical music was essential for ritual dances performed in sanctuaries. The interpretation of such figurines is not as straightforward as it may appear. In general, they are thought to represent worshippers. However, in some cases musicians (tambourine- or lyre-players) wear sacerdotal vestments. This may suggest that they represented priestesses of the goddess who participated in or perhaps officiated at cult ceremonies.