Terracotta female figurines
Terracotta female figurines
These standing female figures are represented in a characteristic ceremonial pose with the hands supporting the breasts. They wear lavish garments and copious jewellery, while the smallest figure is also covered by a peplos. The figurines have been modelled in double moulds and are hollow. Some details are picked out in red and black paint. Figurines of females holding their breasts are known from various sites on Cyprus (Amathous, Idalion, Tamassos, etc.). This particular type is especially common at Achna, in the region of Larnaca, where there was an Archaic sanctuary of the Great Goddess. Most researchers interpret them as representing priestesses. Others, however, consider that they refer to the cult statue of the deity or that they are images of worshippers, which were offered in sanctuaries as tokens of eternal faith. Their interpretation as priestesses is supported by their richly embellished ceremonial garments and by the pendants with seal rings hanging below their breasts. The garments may render the sacerdotal vestments worn during rites celebrated in honour of the Cypriot goddess, while the hieratic girdle (the ends of which are visible under the short chiton) alludes to the magical girdle, which was one of the most important attributes of Aphrodite.