Centaurs vs humans
Centauromachy - South metope
The metopes can be found over the exterior columns, alternating with the triglyphs across the temple. The Parthenon had 92 metopes, depicting scenes inspired by Greek mythology. The four most important mythical battles of ancient Greece are depicted on the metopes. Mythical creatures, gods and men fight for victory. On the east side, we have the Gigantomachy; the western metopes depict the Amazonomachy; the south metopes the Centauromachy; and the metopes on the north are inspired by the Trojan War. The southern metopes are considered the best in terms of execution and conception. According to the myth, the Centaurs were half men and half horses. The war began when the king of the Centaurs, Eurytion, attempted to rape Hippodameia on her wedding night. He was captured by Peirithous (the groom), who punished him by cutting off his ears and nose. Thus a terrible battle between the Centaurs and the Lapiths began. Assisted by Theseus, the King of Athens, the Lapiths defeated the Centaurs.
As seen on
The Parthenon temple: an ode to the goddess Athena