Submarine ecosystem analysis
Ecological zones
Marines' environment ecological zones are divided into three levels:
The winter wave zone, which is rarely covered by water and is inhabited by drought tolerant species.
The mid-tidal zone, a region of tidal escalation, is home to species with great adaptability and
The sub-coastal zone, which is usually covered by water, except for the days when the tides of conjugation take place, in the phase of ebb. There, we find organisms with constant need to be in the water.
Their living demands differ from one to another. Solar activity and waves play the most important role in these zones. Due to the light, the phytoplankton lives in the upper layers of the sea (15-100m.), where it finds enough light to carry out photosynthesis. Thus, the phytoplankton is abundant in the three zones we have described, as currents, air and sea level change provide the nutrients for phytoplankton and zooplankton growth. It is a rich in nutrients environment for several of the organisms, such as crabs and many fish, etc.