Stop you bad human! You hurt me!
Human and sea
It is clear by now that the oceans are a complex, colorful and vibrant new world for us! It has its own personality and deserves respect, but also needs our help in order to continue hosting all these animals. Unfortunately, humans have a large and catastrophic effect on the environment. Oil, wastewater, pesticides, heavy metals and plastics are a serious strain on the environment and the sea. One of the effects of human activities on the environment is the increase in sea temperature, due to the effect of all these chemicals on the atmosphere. This increase in temperature is part of the greenhouse effect, which is created by the excessive production of carbon dioxide on the planet, to the point that it cannot be consumed by plants and creates damage to the gas layer that protects us from the sun. The greenhouse effect is responsible for the destruction of coral reefs and thus affects all reef animals that make their living around coral colonies. Another, separate area that poses a huge environmental problem is fishing and mass farming of fish for human consumption.
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