A Mansion over a Roman Theatre
Palacio de los Páez de Castillejo
The palace is located on what were once the gardens of the palace of a Muslim jurist during the last years of Islamic rule. After the Christian conquest, the site was owned by the city council before being sold to the Páez de Castillejo family, who were knights and councilmen of the government of Cordoba. They shaped the palace during the 16th century according to Renaissance principles. You may spot this style by paying attention to the façade, close to the style of the Bridge´s Door. Conceived as a Roman triumphal arch, the façade is inhabited by classic heroes and extensive iconography designed to extol the Paez de Castillejo family as true warriors. It’s interesting that the palace is located over the ruins of the old Roman theatre of Cordoba, partially visible if you enter the museum. It was the largest in Hispania, with a cavea only 6 metres smaller than the Marcellus Theatre in Rome!
As seen on
Cordoba City Tour: The Glory of Al-Andalus