The key to happiness is a combination of the right amount of excitement and calm.
Anaesthetics can provide you that calm.
Laughing gas creates a short moment of joy. It makes you take life a little less seriously.
You take a dispenser that is normally used for whipped cream and discharge the cartridges in a balloon. You place the balloon at your mouth and breath in and out into the balloon.
(breathes in)
(breathes out)
(breathes in)
(breathes out)
For a short moment the oxygen supply to your brain is blocked.
you feel tingling,
you feel softer,
a calm flow of self-forgetfulness.
(smile- laugh)
(smile- laugh)
(smile- laugh)
Ketamine is used as an anaesthetic in surgery.
You can use it to have fun, but also to fight anxiety and stress.
You make a line of about three centimetres long, and snort it,
for example through a rolled-up banknote.
Your mental awareness becomes disconnected from your physical awareness.
The floor starts to move.
The air is like a blanket, embracing you.
Everything is taken care of.
You lose your sense of time
A thought like "what do I have to do today?" floats off into the distance.
You reflect on yourself in a kind and forgiving way.
Alcohol targets a bigger part of your brain.
The communication between neurons slows down. Your speaking capacities and motor skills decrease.
As an indication one could say that 15 cl of a strong alcoholic drink takes the edge off of your worries.
After 30 cl. your sense of self-criticism disappears. You experience feelings of lightness and rebellion.
(shows teeth)
With 45 cl you calm the senses in a more profound way.
There is less that you feel, see or hear. If you are hurt, you’ll experience less pain.
GHB is a relatively powerful agent.
A beginners dose is something between 0.5 and 1,5 millilitres, enough to fill the plastic cap of a Coca Cola bottle.
You can also use an eye dropper and drip droplets of the liquid into your drink, or straight into your mouth.
You must only take one dose of GHB in an hour.
If you take more, you’ll lose consciousness.
Setting a timer each time you take the product will remind you when it's time to take the next dose.
You feel .... you feel less cynical
....less judgemental
... less defensive
you feel free
Hush! No more
Hush! No more
If you live in a place where there’s not much to do, GHB could feel like a solution.
It can turn an ordinary living room into a nightclub.
It’s hard to say why people sometimes feel sad.
It can be caused by circumstances, but genetics are also an important factor.
Feelings are also at the mercy of chance,
Having a mood disorder can lead to the darkest thoughts and feelings of isolation.
Friends, family or colleagues might find it difficult to deal with your mood.
anti-depressants can restore the chemical imbalance in the brain.
They can alleviate severe mental illnesses as well as more everyday depressions.
The product can also be helpful if you suffer from a form of social anxiety,
such as the fear of speaking in public.
It may take a while to find the dose that’s right for you, but once you do: You will function and take pleasure in this world again.
The valleys will be less deep, the mountains won't be that high anymore.
And you’re able to do routine things again, everyday stuff like
getting out of bed,
giving your loved ones a kiss,
going to the supermarket.
Oxycodone is a painkiller.
It obstructs the nerve signals that your brain understands as pain.
You can take it after a major surgery, but it is also used for the pleasant side effect: a feeling of emotional well-being.
Soon after taking a pill, the dopamine in your brain, gives you a sense of reward.
When taken with alcohol the sensation is stronger.
You feel satisfied
The receptors in your brain can get used to the products you take.
If you stop using them,
unpleasant sensations can emerge. You sweat more than usual, you have trembling hands, you experience sleeping problems.
It feels like you lost contact with an intimate friend.
This might encourage you to restart the use,
the friend is back.
This is Heroin.
Heroine is also a painkiller.
It has the same origin as Morphine, but it's two to three times stronger.
It can be snorted or smoked, but intravenous injections are the most effective.
(opens mouth)
Within 8 seconds you feel the effect.
If you're outside and it's cold, the product gives you a sensation of heat.
Your arms and legs become heavy,
It seems like you just had a long intense orgasm.
It makes you feel safe.
At home.
If you use heroin more often, it will start to affect the brain cells that normally produce these pleasant feelings.
These cells are not able anymore to function in a natural way.
You will need the product to feel good.
“Hush, no more,
Hush, no more,
be silent
be silent
be silent all.
Sweet repose
Sweet repose
has clos'd her eyes, soft as feather'd snow does fall!"
Happiness is also a matter of perception.
With psychedelics you can adjust your view on life.
Your brain has different regions that normally are interconnected.
With psychedelics, the central junctions in your brain will be switched off,
so the signals have to take a different route.
It's like someone stepped into your head and shuffled things around.
Be aware:
If you have a history with psychosis: avoid psychedelics.
You’ll be happier taking a walk in the forest.
A psychedelic that can be taken in small doses is LSD.
You let the small piece of paper melt on your tongue.
(sticks out tongue)
New connections are made in your head.
For example: A sound, doesn’t reach the hearing centre in the brain, but arrives at the visual centre where, as it were, you see the music.
A temporary state of psychosis is created in your brain.
LSD might also confront you with the thoughts you normally suppress.
Suddenly you realize that you are in love with a friend, or that you actually want a divorce.
As a more subtle alternative, you could dissolve the piece of paper in a bit of water and take every 3 or 4 days a single drop.
It will make you a more cheerful person, more creative,
it's easier to find solutions to everyday problems.
The effect is similar to caffeine, but without the nervous feeling you get from drinking too much coffee.
mushrooms, you might say, are natures version of LSD.
You cut the mushrooms into small pieces and mask the bitter taste, by eating them with something sweet.
like peanut butter or a piece of muffin.
In your hand you might discover a complete new world.
Your clothes change into a landscape.
You find answers to the questions you have
"What am I doing here?"
For an even more fundamental change of view, you can take Ayahuasca
You get together with other people, and you brew a tea from these plants.
You are likely to experience stomach problems, and vomit, which is unpleasant.
But then, after a while, you’ll relax.
You sense a feeling of brotherhood.
You experience the deepest values and meanings by which people live.
You open up to nature: it feels as though every leaf, every blade of grass, every flower reaches out to you, every insect calls you.
Your sense of self disappears.
There are also products that keep you from dreaming and help you to focus: stimulants
Ritalin can help you perform difficult and repetitive tasks.
Everybody wants to be good at what they do.
Half an hour after you’ve taken a tablet, adrenaline starts to build up in your brain.
If you are studying, Ritalin will filter out distractions.
Your decisions will be based on reason rather than emotion.
Cocaine functions in a similar way
Because you snort the product, it takes effect quickly
your heart will start to beat faster.
you feel powerful
you are less shy
you look good
you think sharper
You find words for what you want to say
You are less shy, You are charismatic.
You think sharper
you look good
You attract attention
You fulfil expectations
You think sharper
You think sharper
you look good
You attract attention
You are less shy
you look good
You think sharper
You attract attention
You think sharper
You find words for what you want to say
You feel powerful
You fulfil expectations
You fulfil expectations
you look good
you look good
you look good
you look good
You feel like a winner.
Where cocaine secures the connection with yourself >
xtc restores your connection with others.
start with a quarter of a tablet, so you can test how it affects your body.
(sticks out tongue)
Your body temperature rises. Remember to drink water.
XTC tells your body to produce oxytocin, the hormone that is also released during breast-feeding.
A single touch on your neck feels sensational.
Dancing and chatting is more fun.
Everybody is kind and full of care.
You might find yourself lying on a couch cuddling strangers.
"No noise
No noise "
If you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, you might have lost the sparkles and sense of adventure you felt at the start of the relationship.
XTC brings these feelings back.
Crystal meth is a powerful stimulant; it gives you a big dopamine boost, you will experience an intense euphoria.
You won't feel the need to eat or sleep.
For some people: sex is something that is connected to shame and self-consciousness.
Crystal Meth can take these away.
It reveals your full sexual potential.
You can smoke Crystal meth, but it’s the most effective when it's injected straight into the vein. You dissolve the powder in distilled or boiled water.
It is important that you use an alcohol wipe to disinfect the area of skin where you’re going to inject. You can swell the veins with a tourniquet. You inject the substance with a thin needle.
(mouth opens)
It’s important to cover the puncture wound with a Band-Aid.
You will experience a strong connection with other users.
The distance to people who don't use could grow.
steal from hence.
No noise,
no noise,
disturb her sleeping sense.
No noise,
no noise,
As seen on
Plásmata: Bodies, Dreams, and Data