For Hungarian artist Klara Borbas (b.1953), her nightmares are the main source of inspiration for her work, leading her to the creation of primitive architectural superstructures on a small scale. As she notes, “Plato” (1993), presented at the 3rd Art Symposium (1993), is the last of its kind and the largest she ever created. Constructed from Phaestos marble, the archaic gate, which may allude to the gate of Plato’s academy seems to be divided by a nightmarish tiered metallic barrier in the form of a wedge that separates the passage and makes it difficult to cross the gate. This violent contract, as well as the contradiction of the dynamics of the piece with the idyllic environment implies the dilemmas that the artist faced in her life but also the dilemmas of human existence in general in the contemporary socio-political scene.
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Contemporary Art by G. & A. Mamidakis Foundation