The Beverstein Family
The Beverstein Family
In 1926, the Beverstein family moved from Würzburg to Halberstadt. Hugo Beverstein opened a kosher butcher shop at Spiegelstrasse No. 74. He had two children from his first marriage to Selma, who died in 1918. With his second wife Paula, he had two sons both born in Würzburg: Lothar, born October 29, 1921 and Walter, born September 5, 1923. The family lived strictly according to the Halacha. Walter Beverstein remembers that his mother wore a scheitel, or a wig. The family was involved in community life, not least through the kosher butcher shop. The business was flourishing and Hugo Beverstein wanted to stay in Halberstadt forever. Therefore, he bought the building at Spiegelstrasse No. 74.Walter Beverstein was able to leave Germany on the last day before World War II began. He was first placed in a camp for Kindertransport children, then with a family. He then lived New York and later settled in Port Jefferson, Florida with his wife Gertrud in 1978. He died there in 2013.
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Jewish Families