Synagogue of the “Marranos”
Portugal Synagogue
The Portuguese Jews arriving to the Ottoman Empire were mostly known as “Los Marranos”, meaning converted to Christanity, but mainly keeping up with Judaism in secret. In Izmir, the Portugal Synagogue, is the only synagogue named after the geographical origin of its founders. With its still existing entrance marble pediment atop columns and unburnt three interior walls, it has been restored in 2018, to serve as a social activities center.In the 17th century, becoming the focus point of Sabetay Zevi’s “messiah movement”, this synagogue witnessed a series of historical events. Considered as the fortress of the anti-Sabbataists, the synagogue closed its gates to Zevi when his movement expanded. Years later, Sabetay and his supporters entered the synagogue by breaking the gates and chased away the opponent rabbis. Having publicly declared himself as the “Messiah of the Jews”, the synagogue became the headquarters for the Sabbataist movement and a large group joined as followers.
As seen on
Izmir: The First Juderia