The Rabbi who never laughed
Kretchenev- Hassidic hub
One famous Chasidic rebbe who lived in Kretchnev towards the end of the 19th century was Rabbi Meir Rosenbaum. During his time the village became a Chassidic center. R' Meir founded the Kretchnev Hasidic dynasty which even to this day is famous, having extensive branches even in the land of Israel.
R' Meir's followers built a Beis Midrash -synagogue, study hall and a home for him and his family in Kretchnev. He himself participated in the physical building of the Beis Midrash. While he was plastering the walls, he sang Hallel (songs of praise). He was constantly immersed in prayer and learning, and did not encourage others to become his followers. Still, many Hasidim and other Jews in need streamed to see him. He was famous as a miracle worker, and even gave out mystical amulets. He died in Kretchnev on the first day of Rosh Chodesh Tamuz (1908). It is said that he never laughed.
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