There is no certain evidence when the Jewish community from Ieud was established but apparently at the beginning of the 19th century when the synagogue was mentioned in the census of 1830. Most certainly the cemetery and the burial society as well as the Mikveh had existed before that. The first Jew to be mentioned in Ieud was under the protection of the officials and his occupation was distilling liquor.
Following the tradition Reb Yosef Fruchter, who was a great scholar and his sons also, owned a tavern. His death before the WWI remained in the legend of the place: several gentiles who drank liquor in his tavern died suddenly. The police appeared immediately and suspected him of selling poisoned liquor. Out of great fear, he responded that this was impossible, and took the liquor that he had been selling and drank a bit. He immediately fell over and died on the spot sadly proving his innocence.
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On the Hasidic trail of MaramureČ™