Crown Tribunal - Rynek 1 Street
Budynek dawnego TrybunaƂu Koronnego - ul.Rynek 1
The Market Square, with the Crown Tribunal in its centre, is the heart of the Old Town. The Tribunal was the most important court of the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania between 1578 and 1795, and its records of civil cases disclose a lot of information on Lublin Jews. The court was also the supreme authority in charges alleging ritual murder committed by Jews. According to historians, 82 charges of alleged ritual murder were brought against Jews between the 16th and the 18th centuries, which cost the lives of 200 to 300 people. The entrance to the Underground Trail, running through Old Town cellars and telling the story of the town’s spatial development, is located by the Tribunal.
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Lublin. Old Town. Jewish History Tour
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