An impressive tenement house at 4 Cicha Street was called “Zylber’s Palace” before the war. It was built by one of the wealthiest citizens of Lublin, an entrepreneur from Kośminek, Sender Zylber. His son, Hersz Jojna Zylber had offices of the H. J. Zylber Trade and Industry House at 4 Cicha Street. In pre-war newspapers we can see advertisements inviting us to the office at 4 Cicha Street and to the Vodka Warehouse located there.Trade and Industry House from Cicha Street offered products from: the distillery and vodka factory “Kośminek”, the steam brewery “Jeleń” from Bychawska Street and the brickyard “Helenów”. Among other things, the tenement house was famous for its grand piano lounge.Hersz Jojna Zylber was also a councilman of Lublin and the president of the Jewish Community in Lublin for many years.A brick "sukkah" - a type of balcony used during the Sukkot holiday - has been preserved on the western elevation of the building.
As seen on
Lublin. From Brama Krakowska to Wieniawa. Jewish History Tour