Eliasz Funk’s Photo Atelier - 60 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street
Zakład fotograficzny Eliasza Funka - Krakowskie Przedmieście 60
Many photographers had their studios on Krakowskie Przedmieście. They included Jewish photographers Uriasz Szeftel, Jankiel Goldfarb, Izaak Blaugrund and Eliasz Funk. Beside stationary studios, one could also come across many street photographers in Litewski Square.Eliasz Funk’s popular photograph studio was located in the yard of the house at number 60, bearing the somewhat strange name of Bernardi, where you would not only have your student card photos taken – including the one to my secondary-school graduation diploma – but also take your own rolls of film to be developed and printed. A display was put up by the entrance to the yard, where Bernardi would exhibit portrait photographs of his more good-looking clients and cute babies, which he would exchange from time to time.(…)You would return home along the same side, unless you intended to buy flowers from the women stationed along Litewski Square or look through books at Gebethner and Wolff. Sometimes you would stop by the miniature bookshop of Mrs Zynger, who also ran a lending library of books for young readers.Krystyna Modrzewska, Trzy razy Lublin (Three Times Lublin)
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