Izaak Peretz People's House - 16 Czwartek Street
Dom Ludowy im. Izaaka Pereca - Czwartek 16
Turning into Czwartek Street leading to the hill of the same name (“czwartek” meaning “Thursday” in Polish), we reach the building of the former I.L. Perec Community House at 16 Czwartek Street. The house was built as the seat of a school, a library and cultural institutions, thanks to donations of secular Jewish organisations. It was to counterbalance the religious Orthodox Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva. The ceremonious opening of the building was planned for 1 September 1939, yet the institution did not manage to initiate its activity as it was on this very day that Nazi Germany attacked Poland, thus beginning WWII.After the war, the building served as a refuge for Holocaust survivors for a few years. A night shelter functioned here, as well as a kitchen for those in need and a school. Cultural events also took place there. Currently, the redeveloped building serves medical administrative purposes. A plaque informs of the history of the place.
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Lublin. Jewish cemeteries. Jewish History Tour