The tombstones of Awraham, the son of Uszaj, and Chana, the daughter of Abraham, from the half of 16th century.
Nagrobki Abrahama syna Uszaja i Chany córki Abrahama z poł. XVI wieku
Near the path stand two very old matzevot: one near the grave of Abraham ben Uszaj, who died on 25 Siwan 5303, i.e. May 28, 1543, cantor, according to the local tradition called Awraham Kasze, and the other of Chana bat Awraham, maybe his daughter, who died on 12 Elul, probably 5312 (i.e. 1552). The inscription of the grave of Awraham reads:1. My eyes pour out streams2. of water and the sky darkens3. with clouds because of the death4. of Awraham, the son of Uszaj, blessed be his memory,5. cantor, that occurred on Monday, 246. Sivan, and on this day was buried7. a righteous and honest man,8. 303 by a short reckoning. The inscription on the grave of Chana reads:1. This mount and this stelae are the witnesses2. that the cry,3. bitterness and pain4. are great because of the absence of5. respected Chana, the daughter of our teacher A[wraham],6. blessed be his memory, called; because she was ready7. to observe all of the commandments.8. Her soul went out on 129. Elul, on Thursday, and on Friday10. by a short reckoning
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