Kokebebe Jam / Bridge over Czechówka River
Kokebebe Jam - Skrzyżowanie dróg w miejscu dawnego mostu na rzece Czechówce
Before the 1960s when this two-lane roadway was built, one had to cross the Czechówka river over a small iron bridge. In old photographs we can see Jewish women washing clothes by the river. This place was named after the nickname of the owner of the surrounding properties - Kokebebe. As it was called in yiddish: Kokebebes tajch (Kokebebe River), Kokebebes port (Kokebebe Harbour), and sometimes even Kokebebes jam (Kokebebe Sea). Piotr Nazaruk, a Yiddishist from Lublin, found a memoir in the Lublin Jewish press: when a Zionist was waiting for a certificate enabling him to go to Palestine, he was supposedly asked jokingly - "Are you sailing from Port Kokebebe?".
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Lublin. Along Lubartowska Street. Jewish History Tour
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