Spółdom Jewish Housing Cooperative at Probostwo Street
Żydowska spółdzielnia mieszkaniowa "Spółdom" przy ulicy Probostwo
A small street called Probostwo runs along one side of the Szternfinkiel house. A building is located there (19 Probostwo Street) which was erected by the Spółdom Jewish Housing Cooperative, in response to the acute shortage of apartments in Lublin due to a dynamic demographic growth. The house was constructed thanks to the cooperation of representatives of such diverse political movements as Zionists, Folkists and Socialists. The Lubliner Tugblat daily wrote:Spółdom is the only place where even a journalist can pleasantly spend an hour. People of the extreme left and right are sitting at the same table with no political struggle between them. They are calmly analysing the plans and designing and building.Interestingly enough, a stone from the tomb of the Biblical matriarch Rachel, brought over from Eretz Israel (Land of Israel), was used as the cornerstone, laid by the chairman of the cooperative, Lejb Geliebter, a Zionist.
As seen on
Lublin. Along Lubartowska Street. Jewish History Tour