Kacenelenbogen brothers' house - Lubartowska 30
Kamienica braci Kacenelenbogen - Lubartowska 30
The house at 30 (24 before WWII) Lubartowska Street belonged to brothers Izrael and Jehuda Kacenelenbogen, who ran a private power plant here, providing electricity to nearby buildings. Mrs Mandelbaum’s Jewish primary school also rented rooms in this building. Documents from 1928 list other institutions that were also located at this address: a bakery, a barber shop, a printing press, a bookbinding shop, public baths, a soap shop, two mechanical workshops, a soda water (seltzer) factory, as well as liquor-tobacco, grocery and haberdashery stores. The diversity of services run at this place was typical of Lubartowska Street and can help you imagine its atmosphere.One trades in everything here, for this actually is a market of all sorts of goods, including the roubles and the crowns, which during the [Austrian] occupation [1914 to 1918] were the favourite objects of speculation. Carriers girded with rope are standing by the shops, waiting for an opportunity to earn some money. These are strong Jews with powerful hands, the opposite of learned, yet short-winded Talmudists to be found in the schools and kloyzes [Hasidic houses of prayer] of Szeroka Street. A crowd of shopkeepers who left their shops for a moment, girls with baskets and children with schoolbags are standing on the corner of the street. They are surrounding a blind man singing wistful songs known to everybody, earning thus his early bread.Majer BaĆaban, The Jewish Town in Lublin
As seen on
Lublin. Along Lubartowska Street. Jewish History Tour