House of Prayer of "Teute Hasidim", followers of Nachman of Braclaw - 40 Lubartowska Street
Dom modlitwy "Martwych Chasydów", zwolenników Nachmana z Bracławia - ul.Lubartowska 40
A lot of private houses of prayers, so called “shtiebel” (meaning “little room” in Yiddish), were located in tenement houses on Lubartowska Street. In a tenement house number 40 (number 34 before 1939), gathered a group called "Tojte Chassidim - Dead Hasidim". They were the supporters of Nachman of Breslov, a great-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov - founder of Hasidic Judaism. Nachman did not leave a successor, and that is why from the 18th century the group does not have a Tzadik. After 1918, Lublin was a religious center for “Dead Hasidim” from the whole of Poland.
As seen on
Lublin. Along Lubartowska Street. Jewish History Tour