The Great fire of 1917
The Cité Saul
The history of the city and life of the Jewish community was completely altered after the Great Fire of 1917. On 18 August 1917 (or 5 August according to the Julian calendar), a fire broke out, turning the center of the city into ashes. What is known is that the fire was started accidentally, either by a housewife who fried aubergines or by two young girls heating water to wash. The reasons for the uncontrollable spread of fire were the strong local wind (known as Vardaris), the heat, the wooden houses, narrow streets and alleys, and the lack of water supplies. The fire destroyed 9.500 properties from homes to religious buildings, and left 79.000 homeless, two thirds of them Jewish. The fire became an important page in the history of the community since the new urban plan forced the jews to vacate the city center.
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