A second golden age
Allatini Boys’ Orphanage
The last decades of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th, until WWII could be described as the second golden age of the Jewish community of the city. The Jews were specialized in commerce and trade, especially tobacco, and in artisan production. The most important banks like the Modiano Bank, la Banque de Salonique, Amar and Enosis Banks were all founded by Jewish businessmen. In 1864, El Lunar became the first Jewish journal published in Thessaloniki, while from 1864 to 1925, 40 Jewish journals were published, including the celebrated La Epoca, one of the most important Judeo-Spanish newspapers of the time. In the meantime, cultural life flourished too. At the end of the 19th century, Judeo-Spanish plays or plays translated to Ladino were performed in Thessaloniki and in the first decades of the 20th century Judeo-Spanish theatrical productions were organized en masse.
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Salonika: The Balkan Jerusalem
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