Beit Ahawah
Beit Ahawah
Here is what you need to know about this address.If they gave halos to buildings, this sad and neglected one at 14-16 Auguststraße would certainly have one.It opened as a Jewish hospital in 1861. Then in 1914 the Jewish community converted it to feed and house poor Jewish immigrants who were fleeing from the First World War in the east.Four years later, it became a Jewish orphanage and was run by Beate Berger, who named it Beit Ahawah, Hebrew for House of Love.Once the skies darkened in 1933, Beate Berger began finding funds to bring her young charges to mandate-era Palestine, specifically to Haifa.She delivered more than 100 children to safety but died in Haifa in 1940, age 54.Her successors were not able to bring other children out; most of them were murdered.he building today is a sad and empty relic, with only a tiny plaque to remember Beate Berger and her House of Love.
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