Hillel Kempler on the rise of the Nazis
Hillel Kempler on the rise of the Nazis
While we are on the way to Koppenplatz, we’re going to let Hillel Kempler tell us about the rise of the Nazis.“I want to talk about the day when everything changed. After Hitler won the elections in January 1933, the Nazis immediately took to the streets, breaking windows, roughing people up. They wore brown uniforms and boots. I can still see it right before my eyes. The Süssapfel family lived below us. One night we heard horrible noises coming from their apartment. It woke us all up. My father was still in the pastry shop, preparing everything for the next day and Herta, our maid, rushed to lock the front door. We were really scared. Herta told us that someone was being roughed up downstairs and we needed to stay quiet. Once the Nazis left, Süssapfels called a doctor but they couldn’t find anyone to come.They called an ambulance, which also didn’t come. Then the father in their family went with the two sons to a hospital--by foot. My life changed that night. I didn’t know anything about politics yet—I mean, I was seven years old--but that someone could barge into a home and beat people up—that has stayed with me forever.”
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Centropa Jewish Berlin Tour