A bit of conceptual art.Karl Biedermann and Eva Butzmann designed “The Deserted Room” in 1988 and it was unveiled in 1996. What we see here are a table and two chairs, with one knocked over. In a section of Berlin in which tens of thousands of Jews either fled or were murdered, this conceptual art piece carries an emotional weight.The memorial is often called the Nelly Sachs Memorial, after the Nobel Prize winning, Berlin-born Jewish poet who fled to Sweden during the war. She never returned to Germany and died in Stockholm in 1970. This poem of hers is embedded in the monument.“...oh the houses of death / invitingly appointed / for the landlord of the house who was once a guest / Oh you fingers, / laying the threshold / like a knife between life and death / Oh, you chimney stacks, / Oh you fingers, / And the body of Israel going up in smoke!”
As seen on
Centropa Jewish Berlin Tour
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