Hasday Cresques letter
Carrer del Call
Hasady Cresques was a Rabbi for the community of Zaragoza and an important figure in Catalan Jewry. He was in Barcelona during the attacks and wrote to the Avignon community asking for help. The Jews who were in the tower had to beat archers who attacked them. We opposed the resistance we could with the little royal guard, as the bulk of the army was out on a colonial campaign. Many Jews died as martyrs, among them my only son. I will claim my judgment of God on me, and I’ll try to raise up with all the beauty that I stay despite their destination. Many Jews committed suicide, others were launched from the tower, as many were forced to convert. Hasady Cresques had a good relationship with the King, who agreed to help. He hired mercenaries to defend the Jewish quarter from the attacks. He was also elected delegate for the King, helping to rebuild the destroyed calls and help Jews who had been attacked. He established a relationship with Mamluk Sultan Dharir Barquq to allow Jews to relocate to Palestine. He also met with Carlos III, King of Castile, to allow the orderly emigration of Jews to Navarra.
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