The Disputation of Barcelona
Placa del Rei
With pressure from the Church, Jaume I held a debate between Christianity and Judaism, the Church hoping to expose the faults within Jewish beliefs and entice a wave of conversion. The Great Disputation was between Nahmanides, the Kabbalist of Girona, and Pablo Cristiani, a Jew who had converted to Catholicism. The debate reigned for 4 days, topics ranging from the Messiah to which religion showed divine truth. There are two versions of the dispute, one in Latin showing winner Paul Cristiani, and another in Hebrew, stating Nahmánides as the clear victor. Though King Jaume I is claimed to have said that he had never seen anyone who, without reason, made such a magnificent defense as Nahmanides, Nachmanides eventually left due to pressure from the Dominican sector. Nahmanides went to Israel, where he played an important role in the creation of new communities, first in Jerusalem then Acre in 1268, where he became a spiritual leader. Of the Disputations that took place in the Middle Ages, there are only three detailed records surviving: The Paris Disputation of 1240, the Barcelona Disputation of 1263, and the Tortosa Disputation of 1413. The Barcelona dispute is the most celebrated as it was the only one in which the conditions were relatively fair; the Jewish side, although prohibited from posing questions, was allowed to develop its argument in relative freedom.
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