Berend Lehmann provided the opportunity for new developments. Financing synagogues was quite common among Court Jews and thanks to Lehmann, a new and opulently furnished Baroque Synagogue was completed for the community in 1711 between the streets Bakenstrasse and Judenstrasse.Located between two rows of buildings, the property was made available from the owners of Bakenstrasse 55– 59 and Judenstrasse 24– 27 by giving up a part of their yard. The synagogue was surrounded by other buildings and could not be seen from the street. Nevertheless, it was almost twice as tall as the surrounding buildings and towered over them. The secluded location of the synagogue protected it from being disturbed or receiving complaints. The construction was almost entirely financed by Berend Lehmann. The community paid just 6,000 taler which was a loan from the Lehmann; the yearly interest paid went to the support of the Klaus scholars.