Suris and Ackerman Steam Mill
Паровая мельница Суриса и Аккермана
The Suris and Ackerman Steam Mill is an example of industrial architecture, or about the role of Jewish merchants and industrialists in the economy of Chisinau at the turn of the century.The structure is an example of industrial architecture and dates back to the 1890s. Standing here, we can talk about the role of Jewish merchants and industrialists in the economy of Kishinev in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Let's hear what Anatoly Shtarkman writes in his book Chisinau Spring."In 1841, the State Council allowed the merchant Cogan Aron to build the first steam mill in Chisinau. The same merchant owned candle and soap factories.The owner of the steam mill in the first half of the XIX century was a merchant Jew Shor. In 1901, Kogan's steam mill operated a pasta factory with 45 workers, while Gendrich's mill had 24 workers. The mills of Shwarzberg processed 350,000 poods of grain and employed 15 workers in 1880. Ten years later the same merchant opened a factory with a steam engine for processing wax....Trade in Chisinau belonged to 93 merchants of the first guild, of whom Jews 69 (75%) and the second guild in number 233, of whom Jews 194 (83%). According to the Jewish Colonial Society (JCC) in 1898 29 out of 38 factory-factories in the city belonged to Jews, of 7 steam mills - 6 Jewish with 120 Jewish workers, of 7 tobacco factories - 5 Jewish with 170 workers, of 5 printing houses in the city 4 belonged to Jews - Averbuch, Etinger, Schliomovich and Lichtman..."We are returning to Pushkin Street. Pushkin (str. Puskin) and continue on it briefly, past the gas station, to the right turn on Romana Street. Romana. If we went further, we would have reached the place where Kishinev began, at the spring where water was delivered for the city's needs. By the way, Jews who owned carts were also actively engaged in this. There is a memorial stele with the date founding of Chisinau and its first mention - 1436.To the right of the stele is a hill on which Mazarakievskaya Church stands. Even before the church, there was the Old Jewish Cemetery (as it was already called in the 18th century) and the Great Synagogue (early 19th century). The latter is associated with the names of Rebbe Sharhorodsky and Rebbe Czernowitzer.On Romane Street, we are interested in house number 13. Before reaching the kindergarten on the left, we pass a little fork on the right and continue forward until we see #13 on the old house on the right.This is our stop #7.
As seen on
Jewish Chisinau