Chabad Lubavitch Synagogue
Синагога Хабад Любавич
The Glazershil und Buchbinder, now Chabad Lubavitch.Walking past three other buildings, Str. We arrive at Rabbi Tirilson 6, 4 and 2, again at Alexandru cel Bun street, where we go one more block to the intersection with Chabad Lubavitch street. We arrive on Alexander the Good (str. Alexandru cel Bun), where we walk one more block to the intersection with Chabad Lubavitch Street (str. The synagogue was built in 1886 and was the only synagogue in Moldova that was not closed during the Soviet era. In 1990 it became the Chabad Lubavitch Synagogue.Until 1886 it was considered a house of prayer, in 1900 it was rebuilt in stone and covered with tiles. The synagogue was owned by the Finkelstein and Koshman families. During the war, the synagogue was located near the ghetto border.The building was badly damaged during the bombing. It was restored by members of the Jewish community and was put in place in 1946. A matzepakery used to work next door; now it has a kosher canteen.In 1970, refuseniks gathered next to the synagogue, but it was never shut down. Since 1990, there have been many rebuilds, major renovations, which allowed for permanent activities.The Mikvah was built. The synagogue is a two-story building with a small courtyard.The synagogue hosts Jewish festivals and offers courses for men, women and children. For more than 25 years until 2014, the synagogue was led by the well-known and respected Rabbi Zalman-Leib Abelsky. He is now succeeded by his sons, Zushe and Yosef. From the synagogue we walk further along St. Str. Habad Liubavici to Armenian Street and turn right. We walk past the entrance to the Central Market, feeling the elements of the southern bazaar and its surroundings.Walk to Stephen the Great Avenue (Bld. Stefan Cel Mare si Sfint), cross it and go further to the right. On the right is the Armenian farmstead, and at the main entrance we see a bas-relief of a lion and the words: "Freedom or Death".The inscription on the bronze plaque says that the Bulgarian militia was formed here. Its squads were part of the Russian army that won the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878.Further along the avenue to the right departed Bulgarian Street (str. Bulgarian (str. Bulgară), on which - attention! - The only "Bati" kosher restaurant in Chisinau, opened in 2022 by Agudath Israel in Moldova, is located above. At the end of our tour, we highly recommend lunch there, and we will gladly escort you to the door of the restaurant. But before we conclude our tour, we will visit two more points - the place where the infamous 1903 pogrom started, next to the Church of Chuflia, and the Synagogue of the Sena.So we proceed to the beginning of the avenue, where it ends at the oldest hotel in Chisinau (1959), (1959, designed by Robert Kurz). Before that we will cross str. Tigina (str.Tighina) and Izmailova Street (str. Izmailovskaya (str. After passing the Konstantin Brinkush Exhibition Center, we arrive at United Nations Square, which is our 10, point.
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