Stellar Career
Jascha Heifetz
Upon hearing Jascha play, Auer immediately invited the young genius to continue his education in the Imperial capital. At the age of nine Jascha left for Saint Petersburg with his father and just one year later he played on the major stages of the capital. When he moved to the United States in 1917, the famous Carnegie Hall already awaited the violinist in New York City, and there he achieved the same glory as in Europe. The child genius Jascha soon became Mr. Heifetz – a living legend in the music world. Later on, only his closest friends called him by his name. After the recognition in the United States, Heifetz embarked on his first world-tour following which he became a worldwide star. Never feeling at home with the cultural and social elite of New York City, at the end of the 1930s Heifetz moved to a house next to the ocean in California. From there he left for several world-tours. In 1958 Heifetz undertook teaching at the University of California in Los Angeles.
As seen on
Vilnius - The Jerusalem of the North