Oikos of the Naxians
Head towards the left corner of the paved courtyard behind the round monument. A narrow opening is next to a long building known as the Stoa of Philip V (to your left, currently covered with a scaffold). The one on the right has steps. Avoid it. Follow the one to the left, keeping the Stoa to your left. Stop at the information panel. Continue straight (keeping the Stoa to your left). When you reach the end of the Stoa of Philip V, there are some marble steps straight ahead belonging to the Propylaea. There is also a cute herm (a sculpture with a head above a plain squared lower section). Ignore the Propylaea and the herm. Instead, you need to turn right and follow the path. It's not well defined by anything, but it is also unmissable. You walk between ruins. It is romantic, especially in the spring when wildflowers in full bloom turn their colourful heads towards the master of the place: Apollo, the god of the sun. Keep walking until you find a well (a blue wooden arrow also points the way). Turn left and follow the arrow and the path. We had a cat leading the way, but he is notoriously undependable, so you better stick with these instructions. The path will lead to what appears to be a low stone wall, where another blue arrow reminds you to turn left. However, before you turn, you should notice a stone inscription saying Oikos des Naxiens (Oikos of the Naxians).
As seen on
Delos: the island of Apollo