Synagogues during the Soviet period
Синагоги в советский период
In the interwar period, the Jewish community had only three synagogues. But in 1938 she also "voluntarily" transferred them to the balance of the Housing Department. Two of them were given for housing and after the war were occupied by military families, and another one became a school. On May 10, 1946, the application of the Jewish community for the return of these buildings was denied by decision of the City Executive Committee.On August 6, 1946, the Jewish community purchased the house at 13 Communist Street with the money it had raised and deeded it to three members of the community. In the early 1950s an addition was made to the building to accommodate more Jewish believers."Religious Society of the Jewish Faith" was registered by the Commissioner for Religious Cults under the USSR Council of Ministers for the MSSR on August 20, 1946 and gr. Schwacherman Mordko Davidovich. More than 200 people aged 60 and older were members of the congregation. By 1959, two of the three legal owners had died and the building was seized as escheat (for 2/3) by decision of the City Executive Committee of June 24, 1959. Community members tried to get the building back by writing a collective letter to the city government. Then they even wrote a letter to N.S. in Moscow. Khrushchev. But the Administration of the USSR Council of Ministers forwarded the letter to the Tiraspol City Executive Committee, which did not change its decision "...because the Jewish community has no rights to the premises previously occupied by them as a synagogue".
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Jewish Tiraspol
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