Jewish cemeteries
Еврейские кладбища
There are two known Jewish cemeteries in the city's history. The first operated before the revolution and was located on 9th Yanvarya Street in the vicinity of the plant them. May 1. The second cemetery was opened in 1941 on what is now Ukrainian Street. In 1952 the city authorities planned to develop the territory of the old cemetery. In this regard, for 3 months volunteers in their spare time reburied the remains in a mass grave at the new cemetery. The last burials in the cemetery on Ukrainian Street date back to the 1980s. Over time, the cemetery fell into disrepair and only in 2021-2022. The initiative group cleared it of overgrowth and debris, rebuilt the fence, and reconstructed the caretaker's room. Opened the website of the cemetery, where everyone can find the burial place of a relative or acquaintance.
As seen on
Jewish Tiraspol