The Hours of Darkness
The Hours of Darkness
Picture this—you are one of the three people we interviewed—Kitty, Sophie, Lucia—you’re just a kid—and suddenly your country has vanished overnight. And to your absolute horror, YOU have been turned into a pariah.To set the stage for what came next, we’re doing to have an excerpt from a book by GER Gedye, who wrote for The Daily Telegraph in London. Here is his chilling description of what it was like in Vienna the night Germany’s troops marched into Austria in March, 1938. This excerpt is from his book Fallen Bastions and as you’ll hear, much of this took place right here on Taborstrasse and this excerpt begins with the Chancellor of Austria resigning as German troops streamed across the border. As for the Nazis? There were plenty already hear."In the hush that succeeded Schuschnigg's last words, " God protect Austria ", and as the last soft notes of the National Anthem faded, the curtain came down with a run. Behind that curtain actors in this drama, the Tragedy of Austria, fled pell-mell towards the exits.Then hell descended on social democrats, of course, but especially on the Jews.It is truly impossible to imagine what it means for one-sixth of the population of Vienna to be made pariahs over-night, deprived of all civil rights. Within hours, it became quite casual for Jews to discuss suicide—as casually as if they were planning a visit to a nearby town.From my window I could watch for many days how they would arrest Jewish passers-by-generally doctors, lawyers or merchants, for they preferred their victims to belong to the better educated classes-and force them to scrub, polish and beat carpets in the flat where the tragedy had taken place, insisting the while that the non-Jewish maid should sit at ease in a chair and look on.Mine proved a good centre, too, for watching the favourite amusement of the Nazi mobs during many long weeks of forcing Jewish men and women to go down on hands and knees and scrub the pavements with acid preparations which bit into the skin, obliging them to go straight to the hospital for treatment.“Down with the Jews! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! Sieg Heil! Perish the Jews! ``Ein Volks, ein Reich, ein Führer!” to which was now added a fourth ready learned slogan “Ein Sieg”” making the whole incantation: “One People, one Reich, one Leader and Victory!”I passed through the Taborstrasse in the Jewish quarter of Vienna, outside a big Jewish store stood a long string of lorries into which stormtroopers were pitching all kinds of millinery goods as they took them from the shop. Police stood by to see that they were not interfered with the work of plunder and moved on the curious.The first "cleaning squad" I saw was at the Praterstern in the Jewish quarter. It was employed in trying to wash off the stenciled portrait of Schuschnigg from the pediment of a statue. Through the delighted crowds of storm-troopers dragged an aged Jewish working man and his wife.With tears rolling silently down her cheeks, looking straight ahead and through her tormentors, the woman held her old husband's arm, and I could see her trying to pat his hand. "Work for the Jews at last, work for the Jews!" the mob howled. "We thank our Fiihrer for finding work for the Jews.”
As seen on
Centropa Jewish Vienna Tour