The Reichspogromnacht
The Reichspogromnacht
As for Sophie Engler. The Nazis had a list of prominent Jews they were going to arrest. Sophies father, Richard Engler was one of them. He was sent to a series of concentration camp and was beaten so badly he died soon after they let him out.As for what it was like for Sophie, here’s what she said about November, 1938."In May 1938 all the Jewish children were thrown out of regular schools. So I went to a school only for Jewish children—but every day there were fewer and fewer of them. Families were doing everything they could to get out.Then came the 9th and 10th of November, 1938—Reichspogromnacht.Synagogues were burnt, Jewish stores destroyed, and thousands of Jews—mostly men—were beaten and sent off to concentration camps. Some were killed on the spot.I was at home with grandmother Irene, when 8 men stormed our apartment and destroyed everything, smashing porcelain, windows, mirrors. And they stole whatever they could find."Not long after this, Sophie’s mother took her to the train station and saw her off. Sobbing almost the entire journey, Sophie found herself all the way up in a village in Scotland, living with two unmarried sisters, both of whom were teachers. She could not have found a more loving home, and her mother followed a few months later.
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Centropa Jewish Vienna Tour
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