Dr. Hilfstein Gymnasium
Dr. Hilfstein Gymnasium
Around the 5th grade, I became a pupil at the Dr. Hilfstein Hebrew Gymnasium--a beautiful school on Podbrzezie Street. Very high standards. All the subjects were in Polish, and there was also Hebrew.There were only Jewish children, but well-off ones. The school had a huge courtyard and a wonderful gymnastics hall. There was this local scout troop at school, a rather childish one. It was called Hacofer [Hatzofeh] I don't know what that means.There was a very nice leader; I was a member of course. We had meetings once a week, in our courtyard. There were trips, and talks. And there was also a music room where we had music sessions once a week.The teacher was Mr. Feldhorn. He was a friend of Father's.He was shot to death.
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