My first love
Dr. Hilfstein Gymnasium
My first love was a boy in my class.It wasn't only me, but the whole class was in love with him. A gorgeous boy; he was Viennese. I didn't know what had happened to him until 1990.There was a reunion for our school in Israel and he showed up from the States. And my friends told him that I was alive, so he wrote to me. He said he was going to be in Cracow and of course, we met. We reminisced about old times, and I remembered where he used to live: on Josef Sarego Street, in this beautiful house that was called Dom Wola. Even before the war there were entry-phones and an elevator. I used to go round there a lot, because I liked riding in that elevator, and anyway his parents liked me very much.
As seen on
Walking Kazimiertz: With Tosia Silberring