Downstream from the Rue du Moulin, the last covered washhouse on the Rothbaechel, once a meeting place for Bischwiller's washerwomen, still exists. "We other the washerwomen, girls of Bischwiller, it is we who, at the bottom of the Red Stream, rinse our handkerchiefs, our nightgowns, all the laundry well scrubbed on the wooden board, then brushed by hand, not forgetting the pillowcases decorated with cornflowers, embroidered with daisies or forget-me-nots. We wash everything between the sheets.... We never wear a torn shirt-"Cleanliness first!" our mothers taught us. They were like us honest washerwomen, chatting and laughing every Thursday as they lathered, washed, under the old slate roof, with their bare, flushed hands, dipped in the creek, near the palisade of Ganière, the gardener, on the ancient washhouse with curved boards."