Story of Sergi Metreveli
Oni Monument
In 1942, once the Nazis invaded Kislovodsk, which is a city located in the north Caucasus, Sergi Metreveli, who at that time, worked in a wine factory in the said city, helped some Jews escape the place and sheltered them in Racha, Utsera. The Jews who could not leave Kisovodsk were shot by Nazis. In 2004 World Holocaust Center in Jerusalem - Yad Vashem, gave Sergi Metreveli the noble status of “Righteous Among the Nations”, which made his name immortal. In 2015, with the support from the Knesset, the “Israeli House” filmed a movie about Sergi Metreveli and the survivor Emil Zigel. The premier of the film, organized by the “Israeli House”, was held at a Hasbara event.
As seen on
Jewish heritage in Racha