Train Travel Heyday
Train Travel Heyday
RHIANNON: There had been explosive growth in American railroads in the latter half of the 1800s, this was key to the nation’s growing prosperity. Then, the shift from smoky, loud, dangerous coal to electric power in the early 1900s led to a new era of safer, more comfortable passenger travel. There was an especially luxurious train called the 20th Century Limited, where you could travel the 960 miles from New York to Chicago in –get this– under 20 hours! It was very popular among the celebs of the day – the train’s daily early morning arrival often drew a crowd of onlookers. It was rumored that movie star Greta Garbo would dash from the train straight into the elevator to the baggage room, then duck into a taxi – all to avoid the crowds. They say Joan Crawford tipped well – John D. Rockefeller, not so much. MICHAEL: Everything on the 20th Century Limited was full service. When patrons boarded the 20th Century Limited, they walked on a red carpet. A man can get his hair cut. He could get his suit pressed. A woman could have a weave and a bob, her hair done, so she could be fresh and presentable the next day. In the dining car you would get full meals. Full course meals were prime rib, mashed potatoes, all sorts of salads and fresh vegetables. In the club car, you could get snacks [00:16:30] and drinks. You would arrive at Union Station in the heart of Chicago from Grand Central terminal in New York, and you could take care of whatever business you had to do refreshed. Nothing like that exists today in train travel.
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Grand Central Terminal: Always Moving
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